Consulting for your startup

With over 25 years of experience in software development, accounting and entrepreneurship, toos can prepare you and your team for success.

Company Registration

We can prepare and submit all the necessary paperwork to get you up and running in no time.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

From a simple mockup to a fully working prototype, we can bring your idea to life and provide what you need to get potential customers and investors excited.

Offshore Development

Our software development partner in Vietnam has a highly skilled team of full-stack developers and software engineers ready to take on your project. We manage the resources on your behalf and liaise with you to ensure projects are delivered on time and to budget.

Virtual CTO

If you've not had any luck finding a technical Co-Founder then we can step in on a temporary basis and provide everything you need from a technical view point. When you're ready we can also help you find the right person to take over the role full time.


Whilst we don't offer hosting as a service, we can advise you on the best set up based upon your chosen platform and architecture. Getting this right and making sure the solution you choose scales well as your customer base grows is an absolute must.

General Consulting

Whether it's financial help, technical help or general startup advice, our aim is to help your business succeed, so if there's anything you need our help with, please get in touch.

Let's start simplifying your finances.

When you join toos you'll quickly discover how easy it is to keep track of your finances. You're also joining a community that supports its members. Reach out anytime, we're here for you.