We want you to spend less time on the boring stuff and focus on growing your business.

Our Story

Simon was a digital nomad long before anyone knew what it meant! He started travelling and working remotely back when finding a reliable internet connection took some serious effort. Since he moved around so often tax time became complicated, with many lost receipts and multiple currencies to deal with. Back then he sketched out the idea for the toos app, but knew it was way too niche a market to launch into, given that he mostly met retirees on his travels.

Skip forward to today and after 25 odd years of working with software he's finally built the app. After showing an early version to his accountant and kitesurfing buddy, Kynan, they decided it was time to get the app live so other people could benefit from it, and toos was born.

Simon Ilsley

Simon Ilsley

Tech guy

Kynan Rasura

Kynan Rasura

Numbers guy

toos logo

What's in a name?

The name toos is short for 'Too easy!' which means 'no worries, that's not a problem'. Simon first heard this from locals whilst living in far North Queensland. Apparently 'too easy' was too longwinded so it was shortened to toos!

Why choose toos?

We are dedicated to our mission of enabling anyone to start and build a successful business from anywhere. We're just beginning and are excited about all the great ideas we have for future features that will save you time and money and improve your chances of success. Keep watching this space as we'll be updating you soon with what's coming next.

Now you just need to find something to do with all the time we've saved you...

skydiving above the clouds

Let's start simplifying your finances.

When you join toos you'll quickly discover how easy it is to keep track of your finances. You're also joining a community that supports its members. Reach out anytime, we're here for you.