Focus on your business, not your finances

toos is for sole traders, consultants, tradies, digital nomads, freelancers and more. One simple app allows you to manage your expenses and income, send quotes and invoices and keep track of your tax.

Get started

Freedom From Tax Stress

Take a photo, upload a file, forward an email. That's it!

Leave the hard work to us

Every time you receive a receipt we'll process it and securely store it for you.

Issue quotes and invoices

Send a quote, or issue an invoice from the app. Quotes can be turned into invoices with one click.

One set monthly fee

No hidden fees. No contracts. Just decide if you want us to handle BAS and EOY tax filing.

toos app

The toos app

The toos app is a progressive web app (PWA), which is a website that looks and behaves as if it is a mobile app. PWAs are built to take advantage of native mobile device features, without requiring you to visit an app store, make a purchase and download software locally.

They allow us to push software updates to you immediately and take up very little space on your phone.

We're in good company as PWAs are now used by Twitter, Forbes, Spotify, UBER and many others...

Clicking the button below will start the install process on whatever device you're currently using.

Sole Traders

With toos there's no more need for bookkeeping, spreadsheets and complicated accounting software. In fact, there's very little you have to do.

Low monthly cost
Use your own accountant
Use our accountants if you choose
Simply snap, upload and forward receipts
Easy to use mobile app
Great customer service
No contract. Cancel at any time


Are you tired of receiving bad client data? We parse the data, clean it, map it to our company database and then reconcile with your client's bank transactions, so you can be sure it is completely accurate.

Free to use
Only verfified data
Simple to use portal
Export what you need
Free helpdesk
Saves you time

"I have always dreaded tax time as I usually have to dig out all my receipts and spend ages going through them. Toos has removed that stress and now I just snap a quick photo and I'm done.'"

Let's start simplifying your finances.

When you join toos you'll quickly discover how easy it is to keep track of your finances. You're also joining a community that supports its members. Reach out anytime, we're here for you.